Thursday, December 13, 2018

Why Christmas?

Have you ever done Holy Communion at home? 

 I had my most moving Communion experience, so far, in my college apartment on the floor in front of a TV. It may have been my first Holy Communion, but I am not sure. It may not sound holy to you, but it was to me.

I did not have wine or even grape juice, a loaf of bread, wafers, or even chips. I had water in a gallon jug. I don't remember why I didn't use a glass. For the bread I had cold pizza. It doesn't sound holy, does it? I sat on the floor in front of my tiny box TV, earnestly aiming the antennae to bring a wobbly channel into focus. I was trying desperately to watch a Christian TV program. I was newly saved and hungry for the Word. The TV ministers were doing Communion and I joined them with what I had, where I was, 
and with all my heart. 

What was life like before I was saved? 

I was walking in that type of darkness where things are okay and just going along, but it's not enough and it is not at all okay. My ideas of right and wrong were unsatisfying. Not a lot of life made sense. Is this all there is? Work. Then come home from work. Buy nice dishes. Get a haircut. But why? 

There had to be more. 

I had no real sense of direction, except for experiences I had with the Lord at various times when I was growing up. Those stood out to me. They were real. It drew me to Him. 

Jesus Christ is real. 

It is hard for me to find the words, but He brought me to life. I was not, but now I am. I hungered for more because there is more. I was lost, just as lost as any bad guy or anyone who seems just terrible, just as lost as that. But now I am found. I didn't find myself. I was found, by a real person, Jesus. 

That's why I celebrate.  

Merry Christmas, Everyone!



  1. Communion is sharing. You shared what you had at that time:pizza and water. It was OK. Itis OK. What's in your heart, that's the important thing, and that's good reason for celebration.

  2. Lovely, heartfelt post.
    Merry Christmas, Sandi!

  3. That's why I celebrate, too. Merry Christmas, Sandi.

  4. Communion is recognizing the love of Christ...I think the pizza and water was just fine.

  5. Sandi
    the most important thing is that your heart was ready to receive the Lord.
    Happy birthday in Advent.

  6. Hi Sandi,
    yes, I have taken communion at home many times. Now that I am living in Ireland I take communion on the phone with my friend of many years who lives in Wales. We used to take communion at her house when we got together for prayer. I also take communion every Sunday in the church I attend, which we should do as the Bible tells us to take communion when we come together.

  7. Merry Christmas to you as well. Sounds like you are in a sweet spot.

  8. Thank you for your testimony to Christ in your life! I found your story to be uplifting and honest and full of your true faith in Jesus as your Savior!!

  9. Some ministers might frown on the pizza as a variation on communion bread.

    1. Ha ha...they might! I suppose I could cut off the crust for them. ;-)

  10. Yes, that is why I celebrate Christmas too. Once I was lost, but now I am found...Jesus Christ came and found me and rescued me from the darkness of sin, and gave me new life and eternal light and joy. Communion with pizza and water? Hey, that works for me! It's what is in the heart that matters! Jesus used what He had on hand to feed the multitudes...a few loaves and fish...He blessed the bread and the wine and served the disciples "the Last Supper" and told them to do this in remembrance of Him. If all they had was pizza and water, He would have used that too. It's all about the heart and the "communion" with the Lord. That is what really matters. Merry Christmas!!!

  11. That's why I celebrate Christmas too.

  12. Its not about how you do it, but that you do it with your whole heart.
    Only Jesus does matter!

  13. I feel like I can picture you as a teenager, Sandi! Salvation is truly amazing, as you describe how your experience, and the hunger for God and reaching for the pizza!! Its a beautiful sharing. A Merry Christmas to you!

  14. Hi Sandi, A powerful story indeed. If I may be bold enough to take a guess at what Jesus would say about this post … What matters and is most important is what’s in your heart. Thank you for sharing, Merry Christmas, and God bless you. John

  15. As long as God was in that communion, it was beautiful. Peace and blessings to you.

  16. An overwhelming experience dear Sandi!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes in life we sooner or later finally find what we ACTUALLY strive for!

    As he says that " you will find me within you when you will call for me"

  17. I love when I receive the bread and wine every week. It fills me with love, brings me peace, and washes away any bad feelings that I have and makes me whole again. It is special, it is beautiful, it is Jesus. : )

    Merry Christmas to you, Sandi.


  18. Amen! I loved reading this.
    Blessings, Betsy

  19. Real and living and blessing and interceding ...
