Tuesday, August 27, 2019


The Kingdom of God is within you and all around you, not 
in buildings made of wood and stone. Split a piece of 
wood and I am there, lift a stone and you will find me.

Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, as the prophet says, " 'Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool. 
What kind of house will you build for me, says the Lord, or what is the place of my rest? Did not my hand make all these things?' "

Acts 7:48-50


  1. Hi Sandi I love this hope your day is a good one my friend xx

  2. Hi Sandi, this post speaks to me. My lord is not in a sanctuary, but on the streets, and I tithe not to a church, but to God's people with a meal, a handout, clothing, a ride for an elderly person with groceries waiting on a bus. When the Holy Spirit knocks on MY door, I answer.

  3. Love that - the whole idea. Love the door too. I know God is everywhere- sometimes he gives us beautiful things to admire His work.

  4. Everything is His! I believe people do not need to build such huge fabulous churches. A more simple building would be better, and give the rest of the money to needy people.

  5. Hi Sandi
    I have always loved this scripture. It does not matter whether we gather together in a building, on line or wherever, we are one in the Lord in Spirit.

  6. Beautiful door.

    God wants to live in our hearts. Do we let Him in?

  7. You may not have to go to church to worship God but a good church where people live what they believe and is a Bible believing, Bible teaching church is a wonderful blessing and I am blessed!!

  8. Sandi, Once I worked with a lady that said, "God will not be at an Alice Cooper concert." I told her , "yes He will...He is everywhere."He will be there for anyone who needs Him. I like that our Lord is not in one place.:) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. I get what she's saying, but I think He is everywhere too. By the way, Alice Cooper is a Christian.

  9. I am reminded of a quote that I've loved for many years.

    There is no place where God is not. ~Maya Angelou

  10. I hope and pray that we are a hospitable dwelling for our God and Savior.

  11. You make people think or I hope they are thinking about God and their eternity. :)

  12. This is a wonderful reminder, Sandi. Thank you.

    God bless you.

  13. This is a message that I needed to hear today. Thank you.

  14. Beautifully said, and so very true, Sandi!

  15. Dear Sandi, the novel that I worked on all those years, ultimately ends with the truth of what you've quoted today. A feeling of completion came upon me when that ending came. Peace.

  16. So true! God is omnipresent (in all places at all times) and omnipotent (all powerful). He's everywhere including our own spirit. After all, we, people, are part of His Creation.

  17. Good to read these words, and a well chosen image too.

    All the best Jan

  18. Verses to hang on to in these troubling times.

  19. Thank you Sandi for this Bible verse. God is every where and He loves every one of us.

  20. God is everywhere and omnipresent, isn't that great?

  21. Beautiful post with the wonderful red doors. It is a huge comfort to know our Lord is with us at all times. Thanks for this reminder.

  22. this made my eyes teary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    absolute true and i am grateful to have it
