Sunday, February 16, 2020

Your Spirit

"Protect your spirit, because you are in 
the place 
where spirits get eaten."

John Trudell


  1. ...or Sandi guard our hearts as well. Have a lovely week. Hugs!

    1. Yes! This quote reminds me of Proverbs 4:23- Guard your heart with all diligence, for from it flow springs of life.

      I also like the Good News Translation of it: Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.

  2. i agree that it is hard to keep spirit alive while living among people who seemingly hardly have one dear Sandi

    but if we succeed prize is heaven within :)

  3. Hi Sandi. Yes, we must protect our spirit from the evil one by staying close to our Lord Jesus while we are on this earth.

  4. I need the Holy Spirit to protect and strengthen my spirit.

  5. I had never heard of John Trudell before, Sandi. When I googled his name, I discovered that he was Native American and had suffered a terrible loss: his pregnant wife, three children and mother-in-law were killed in a suspicious fire. No wonder he was sensitive to souls being eaten!
