Monday, May 11, 2020


I am so tired of the word Covid.

I don't want to hear it anymore.

I think we should take inspiration from Elon Musk's new baby's name and call it something unpronounceable instead. That way everyone can quit talking about it.

Be well.


  1. ((grin)) my husband just said the same thing (not about Musk but the virus). I am all for calling it what is; Wuhan.

    We too have had enough...time to get going and start living.

  2. Me, tooooooooooooooooo!!! Great idea!
    Trusting you will stay well, my friend:)

  3. YES. I agree. I also don't want to hear or see any more on masks! I would like to hear *more* on real people who have lost their livelihoods due to the wrong data numbers and mishandling coupled with tyrannical rules. Shameful. Politics at it's very, very worst. Frightening.

    1. It is a terrible time, but I think we will come through it. One thing is it is waking people up to question a lot of things in our world. What the enemy means for evil the Lord turns around for good.

  4. I'm so tired of it all too. I don't even want that word in Webster's Dictionary. :)

  5. It is good to disconnect from it all for awhile. There are so many sad news out there. We all know what to do in staying safe and not spreading anything to others by now so it's up to us to do it and life goes on. May the Lord bless you!!

    1. YES, disconnecting is important or you'll go crazy.

  6. Or else we need to replace it with a silly name. We all need some laughs.

    1. It will all seem so different if the news reporters had to make a raspberry sound instead of saying the name.

  7. So weird and I don't like it. :)

  8. Re. Rattlesnake vaccine: They only have one here, for the Northern Pacific rattlesnake. I had one dog that was bitten badly inside his mouth. He survived the bite because of the vaccine, but his face swelled up terribly and he was very sick. I believe he also got the anti-venom shot, but later as he was bitten over a long weekend with no vet up here. Without the vaccine he would not have made it. Samson is immune suppressed,so he can't get it, but Faith gets it every year. Sorry taking up so much space.

  9. We'll be talking about it for a long time, no matter what we call it!

    1. Talking about what? Oh, you mean 🌻😑&*🐬⛸🪂🧩🗽?

      Hey...I'm trying!

  10. We are tired of it too. It is time to be done with it, but I fear it is not done with us. Praying for our country as we slowly emerge back into life again. I don't know anything about Elon Musk or his baby...I'm so out of the loop. Now I have to go search. LOL>

  11. i think it will be first step to get rid of it dear Sandi :)

  12. I am sick of the terms we are in this together and unprecedented times.

