Monday, January 17, 2022

Do This.


This morning I watched a video on elegance by a lady who is a true lady, refined and beautiful, while my hair is dirty and my feet are up. What do I do today, Lord? This. And then I watched a guy talking to another guy. Their friendship makes me smile, one would jump on a grenade for the other and the other would heal the world for his friend, if he could. Maybe he can. What do I do today, Lord? This. I watched David talk about Goliath and promise to beat him. I pray for you, Dave. This. The laundry is almost done. The kitchen is clean-ish, but not the coffee pot. I hate cleaning the coffee pot. What do I do today, Lord? This. My kids have the day off school for MLK, but usually at this time they are reading and I am teaching. What do I do today, Lord? This. I smile at a friend, at you, and here. 

What do I do with my days, Lord? This.


  1. I'm doing this too. I don't know if yours is mine, but it's all good.

    1. what do you mean by "don't know if yours is mine"?

  2. i fill my life with activities i love...and some work!! i have a routine and try very hard to stick with it!!

  3. Good for you for doing al the things you don't like. So many procrastinate!

  4. Sometimes everyday little things is all we need to do.


  5. Each one of us has a different 'this' to do. Have a great day.

  6. Many things to do everyday but all is good: we are alive!
    Have a good day.

  7. Do it for the Lord. Everything ... for the Lord.

    God bless.

  8. Hi Sandi, I do whatever I am happy doing, as long as it is not hurting anyone, it is what the Lord would want me to do. God bless.

  9. I start the day with a smiling. Then i do whatever i am happy doing.

  10. Always start with talking to the Lord, I ask him what He would want me to do that day, moment by moment. I talk to Him all day. : ) He is faithful to whisper what to do next....Sometimes it's nothing but resting for a little while. I like to starty off also by exclaiming " Thank you Lord that I am fearfully and wonderfully made" and then I smile to the Lord as I drink my coffee. As far as my home, 70% works. I had learned that, in homeschooling flexibility is key, firm enough to get a viable amount of study done, what should be studied but flexible enough to enjoy a beautiful day or a neat bug crawling across the table...Many of the best homeschool moms had no formal training and relied on the Lord.

    1. If I saw a bug on the table there would be A LOT of screaming. 😂 But yes to everything else you wrote! Ha ha...thanks, Amelia. ❤️

  11. Sandi: My word for 2022 is PURPOSE. I chose it because my health is not allowing me to do much away from home like I used to do. Today was the day our prayer group met. I went. My best friend couldn't be around people today. I understand what she is going through. I have that same feeling most days.

    1. Why couldn't she be around people?

      I am an introvert myself. Is that what you mean?

  12. PERFECT! Some days we just gotta "do THIS"...which could be absolutely nothing...but yet, in God's economy it is something. Even Jesus had to get away from the crowds and just rest a while. He wants us to have time to relax, rest, and regroup. So, so do "this". Amen!!

  13. My procrastination is folding my laundry.

  14. Sometimes, I do absolutely nothing productive around our house. But God knows why that is. He allows it. Then other days, I have a list of things I know needs done and I am able to check them off as I do them. Peace and blessings.
