Tuesday, April 26, 2022



This little guy lives on my deck.

I just watched him eat a bug.

He doesn't know there is a war half way around the world.

He doesn't know there is peace here.

(He may know there is peace. Seems like he would.)

He sits in the sun. I sit in the sun.

And here we are together.


  1. Is that a lizard? Oh my, I don't like them at all. So glad he's your friend, Sandi. They usually come around in the warm Summers, but so far I haven't seen them in the mountains. Have a pleasant week.


  2. What a peaceful shot. Is he swimming??

    1. It looks like it, doesn't it? He's clinging to the screen on my deck.

  3. What a peaceful story and photo. Is he swimming??

  4. For a second I thought he was flying through the air! I think those little lizards are so cute!

  5. He must sense the peace around him and you.

  6. I'm thankful you are sitting in peace together.

  7. Hi Sandi: Super cute photo, geckos are so much fun to watch.


  8. Hi Sandi, I too have the same peace with the doves that often enter my garden to drink water from my bird bath. It is such a pity that Putin, and many others with the same mindset do not experience it.

    1. He could. I don't think we get a clear picture of him here in the West.

  9. Our nature friends are very nice companions aren't they? It reminds me of the old James Taylor song where he sings about a hog nosed snake that would come around and hang out with him, a really sweet song.

    It's really interesting to think about what is going on in our world when we are experiencing peace and Peace in our backyard, my sincere prayers are with all. Psalms 91. So many facets that we do not hear about in the media. Please keep us informed from your personal perspective.

    Say "Hey" to little lizard! Blessings to you Sandi.

    1. Little lizard says, "Hey, Amelia!" ๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. Animals and mental health... they can still have issues, but they certainly aren't ours!

  11. Oh- I pray for peace for those in the war and unrest. xo Diana

  12. Calming to see you post today. We need that!

  13. Oh I do enjoy the lizards - big and small. We have a lot of them in our yard too. My sister-in-law as a beard dragon that I think is pretty cool.

    You know, the lizard lives peacefully within his world - trusting in our Creator. I believe, that is what we should do - Trust God. He tells us not to worry. We need to be ready.

  14. They are cute little things. I like lizards but don't get to see them too often. Peace to you and hope peace comes soon for Ukraine, and wherever peace is needed.

  15. to live that life, no worries, no bills, no tax returns...it is the life. then of course there is the war and those poor people who have been so deeply impacted by it. will it ever end?!

  16. It's a sweetie and probably has troubles of it's own.

  17. I am not a fan of lizards but I hope they have peace around them. When I think of those in war, I am very thankful for the peace we have here. Praying for peace soon for those in war places. My heart breaks for the suffering of those in war zone. May God protect them.

  18. We enjoy watching our lizards out on the porch, and also they are on the front of the house and get up under the siding/skirting, and poke their little heads out to welcome us home when we pull into the driveway. They are curious little creatures and fun to watch, but I DON'T want them to get in the house! When they do you'd think there was a full size alligator in the house as far as I'm concerned. LOL. Get that thing out of here!! LOL. It's just the thought of it running across my face in the night that gets to me. LOL. Okay, time for bed. I enjoyed your "friend".

  19. I've always loved lizards. Whenever I pass by and they stop in their tracks we or rather I communicate with them. They probably think who is this lady talking to me. I purpose take a photo whenever I see them. I like your post, it's nice to read.
