Thursday, April 11, 2024

Do you like to get letters?


“The proper definition of a man is an animal that writes letters.” 

Lewis Carroll

I write to a college friend in Northern Ireland, though it's been a while, and my sister-in-law in the Netherlands. I write to a friend way up where it snows 6 months out of the year. We were in 8th grade together. I have a friend in Japan who sent me the Blessing of Aaron in Japanese. 

I write to you.

Blogging is writing letters, don't you think?

 We become penpals here. I am watching Pamela's grand-cranes grow up. They recently hatched. Baili taught me to wash wheat. I had no idea that was a thing. Mrs. Marmelade (not her real name) posts pictures of my old home state of Michigan. Nice. Nana sets tables. Victor writes books. Ottawa is blooming with tulips and cathedrals. And you. What's going on with you?

Sandra asked for eclipse photos. Here they are:

My techie son blurred our messy garage from the background!
How to make this contraption: click here.

A storm blew through here last night and made everything beautiful:

Can you see the spider web?


  1. Since I have been blogging and on Facebook, I have to admit my physical pen and paper letter writing has gone sideways. I love to receive them too.
    I like to think of us on blogs as penpals..I really like that..
    Its so special to be in contact with people from all over the world.

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning me on your Blog, Sandi. That's very kind of you. Much appreciated.

    Yes, Blogging is like writing letters. To me, every visitor who comments on my Blog is not just a name on my monitor screen; each one is a real person out there, far away, with hopes, aspirations, plans, and different lives to lead. That's why I pray for everyone who comments on my Blog

    And it's so clever to make that contraption and take photos of the eclipse. We did not see it in the UK because it was dark at night. I just lay on my bed and looked up to the night sky and thought, "One day, I'll have to fix that big hole in the roof!"

    Keep smiling, and God bless.

  3. Receiving 'real' mail used to be the highlight of my day. Then, of course, came e-mail, Facebook and Blogger ... I became happily addicted to all 3. Remembering makes me a bit wistful. Yet, because my primary hand has developed a tremor, I'm try to avoid pen and paper.

    1. I have been remembering the old days a lot lately. Yes, wistful. That's a good word.

  4. What a strange definition of man (Lewis Carroll).

    And, I had never thought of blogging as being like writing letters, but you are right. It really is. Thanks for that insight. Going forward, I will be more mindful of it as I write my posts.

    What a clever contraption your son came up with. Great photos. And the after-the-storm shots are spectacular. Everything looks so green and lush and peaceful. I wasn't able to see the spider web though.

    Thanks for linking to my blog, and now I'm off to check the other folks you provided links to as well.

  5. I get excited every time my blog email account shows I have a new message.

  6. I agree - blogging is like keeping up with friends. Also emails. Plus the cost of stamps and I appreciate the post office - but . . .

  7. Your eclipse photos are wonderful!!! But despite enlarging the photos, I cannot find the web.

  8. I enjoy getting letters but haven't for a while now. I do get cards once in a while though.

  9. I love getting mail like that! It's usually junk mail and bills. :)
    Yes, we do become pen pals of a sort here.

  10. Thank you for the shout out! And yes, after enlarging your picture, I found the spider web! Amazing, aren't they? Even after the high winds and rain they still have spider webs! Yes, this is like a big pen pal round robin...we share with each other all around the world! It really is a wonderful experience. I don't do much hand written letters anymore. My handwriting is atrocious, and it hurts my neck and shoulder to sit and do a lot of writing. I do send out birthday and anniversary cards to church family each month as a ministry for our church, and that is about as much writing as I can stand. I guess I prefer the instant gratification of knowing people will see my posts right away and often respond right away as well. Whereas a letter takes forever to get there, and people seldom respond in kind. I type a letter with our Christmas cards and send it out to many folks, family and friends, especially those I don't correspond with much on social media, but seldom get so much as a "how are you, I'm fine, thankyou" in return. Usually, if I am fortunate, I get some nice Christmas cards with a signature on them, but no letters. But I must admit I am lazy and prefer doing my writing this way, and it saves money for stamps and stationery. I loved your photos and your thoughts today. Thank you! You are a special friend.

  11. My grandchildren write to me from time to time, and I write to them. I adore getting letters, and am trying to write more pen and ink letters on paper. One of my dear friends does not have a computer or smart phone, and she is an inspiration to me, writing the funniest and most heartwarming letters -- so I try to write her back!

  12. I receive only 3 letter a years, and so look forward to them via snail mail.

  13. Blogland is so wonderful...
    go out into the world and make friends.
    A hug for you.
    ... and just yesterday my grandchild received a letter from me :-)))

  14. You're right about how our blogs are a bit like letter to friends, most of whom we've never met. I love them all! Thanks for the shout-out, too!

  15. Your land is beautiful! It's interesting how we get to know each other through blogging. I love it. But I do love snail mail too! I have a few "pen pals" and we try to keep it up!

  16. Mailbox real letters are still a treat but way far between. Yes, I agree, blogging is a form of letter writing, keeping in touch with friends. Your yard looks lovely!

  17. I have several ladies that I enjoy writing to and corresponding with but I must confess it is usually done by email. I truly should get in the habit of writing actual letters. Thanks for the nudge!

  18. Oh yeah! Spiderman's web :)) I love texting with my friends around the world, exchanging holiday cards and even chatting on WhatsApp :))

  19. I'm old-fashioned that way and write notes to people. I love journals, too. I have them for Bible study notes, dreams and praises.

  20. Yes, you are right!! Oh I just loved this. Blog friends have become very special to me, I have been blogging since 2012... and have dear blog friends from the start.
    I enjoyed this post!!

  21. I love writing letters! And, I totally agree, Sandi. Blogging is writing letters...especially when we comment and get to know one another!

  22. i LOVE receiving snail mail, cards, letters...anything that is not a bill!! i still send cards, but i do not know of anyone else who does. i can't see the spider web, i usually find them with my head/face as i walk around outside!! you have a lovely yard, have a wonderful weekend!!

  23. I loved seeing the pictures of your home acreage - and the amazing contractpion your son made to view the eclipse! I also like to "penpal" and write letters, have done so for many, many years. I agree that blogging is a lot like penpal - it is like taking a little visit into the lives of people all around the world! Always enjoy your posts, have a blessed weekend!

  24. Love this post, I am a fan of writing even if it is by mail.
    Love the solar photos.
    I have read a few of Victors books, he is an amazing writer.


  25. Love writing and receiving letters, how clever of your son to make that contraption to watch the solar eclipse

  26. Hello, Sandi! For over 25 years I've had a pen friend from Michigan. Her name was Linda Merriam Denny. She was a teacher like me. We met twice here in Russia. But in 2019 Linda passed away. Kathleen, a wife of Linda's brother told me about her death in Facebook.

  27. I love writing letters and receiving them too. Writing blogs and comments is a form of writing letters.
    Sandi, I send you hugs and warm regards:)

  28. I love getting letters! Between emails and texts, the art of letter writing seems to have gotten lost. The eclipse was pretty much an non event where I live due to very cloudy skies and rain so I enjoy reading about other people's eclipse experiences.

  29. That scenery is beautiful, and yes, I do see that spiders web.


  30. oh i love writing letters dear Sandi and it's bit annoying for me personally to not have someone to write honestly .i wish my younger sister was someone who is interested in this .
    thank you so much for mentioning my name in your lovely post that is all about love and sharing :) loved your idea to say this as nicely !
    i visited all new friends you mentioned here hopefully .
    hugs and best wishes to you and loved ones !

  31. You are right.. we and our fellow blogger are like pen pals.. because I don't remember the last time I received a letter.

  32. How wonderfully green the tree and grassy area which I assume must be your yard is. Almost worth having a storm 💖.
    I used to write letters to my parents ( long passed away now) and also to my sisters who live 1500 miles away but now we can exchange emails and phone calls so no more letters.
    Have a pleasant and blessed week.

  33. I agree, when we write blogs it is similar to letter writing. I love to write too. Journaling is also fun and I love pens, markers and blank books. I remember when Gram gave me my first blank book. I couldn't wait to fill the pages. Cheers, Ivy.

  34. A storm blew through here last night and made everything beautiful 🤩 I love your sensibility. Aloha

  35. I enjoy writing letters/cards.
    I enjoy receiving letters/cards.

    I now also enjoy blogging it's a little like writing letters.
    We write a post and receive a comment ...

    All the best Jan
