Saturday, May 18, 2024

Be Like Helen Dawson


When I was a child my mom had a friend who took us to her bible study. I was about nine. I remember going and coming home in her van. I remember the presence of God with us. She didn't do anything memorable herself, but somehow her steadfast faith made an impression on me and I recall it all these years later. I am almost certain she prayed for me, then and probably for many years afterwards. I am certain of it, actually. She impacted my life.

I asked my mom about her this morning. Turns out, she was a teacher. She was the same teacher who confiscated candy from me one day in Jr. High and had it drug-tested just in case. She told my mom. They waited for the results. It was candy. I don't know why this story makes me smile so big now. I suspect she watched us kids with concern in those days and my friends' friends or a friend may have been on her radar, so she watched me too. That warms my heart today. It also reminds me that the Lord has been with me all along. 

Thank you, Helen Dawson, wherever you are.


  1. What a wonderful lady! Seems a lot of us have that one special teacher who we will never forget, who helped shape us and we looked up to.

  2. She sounds like a good person and role model. It's fortunate when we have someone like this in our lives.

  3. People like that have a lasting impact don't they?

    1. Yes. Sometimes people don't realize the impact they have had.

  4. I love this. A special person in your life, for sure!

  5. <3 Glory to God. These memories are also full of grace!

    Gretchen Joanna

  6. What a treasure was sent your way in that lady teacher. I had some neighbors that were that treasure for me. Their house was a safe place for me to go to when my Dad was being abusive. They had a phone so they would call the police to come get my Dad. They found things for me to do at their house that they paid me for, sitting with their older handicap daughter was one of those things. Thank God for those special people that are put there for us. I want to be one of those people.

  7. Praise God for the Helen Dawson's in our lives!

  8. It is lovely when people watch our for you to make sure you are safe in life.

  9. Dear Sandi! It’s so good that you met Helen on your way! People like her are real treasures.

  10. Переводчик мне помог прочитать Ваш текст, мне понравились Ваши воспоминания)

    1. Спасибо, Ирена. Я тоже пользуюсь переводчиком.

  11. How wonderful that there was a Helen Dawson in your life. I think I may have had one in mine too. Her name was Frieda Dahlen. A real woman of God.

  12. Such a blessing to have had a "Helen Dawson" in your life. I am thinking back and cannot put my finger on any one person like that, and yet there were probably many in the background that I just didn't recognize at the time as being there to protect me and help direct me in the right direction. I know God certainly did have His hand on me...I just didn't realize it was Him.

  13. Some people enter our lives and make a lasting impression often they are sent by God to help us find the right path in life

  14. She sounds like a caring teacher. You were definitely watched out for.

  15. Sounds like a lovely lady who left a lasting impression.

  16. Did you get your candy back?

    God sends people in our lives to protect us.

    God bless.

  17. What a precious memory you have of someone who prayed for you and even confiscated your candy in jr. high...just in case. That's the kind of "friend" that I want to be to those whom the Lord puts in my path. Thank you for sharing with us, Sandi. xx

  18. Love it.

  19. Send I. And email me for my address.

  20. You asked me to tell you about Frieda Dahlen...She was such a soft spoken, kind, generous woman of God....AND she was such a wonderful cook and baker. Good wholesome home cooked meals. My folks and I were invited over there often for Sunday meals and Frieda and her husband Harold went on many vacation trips in their trailers with my parents. After Dave and I were married we continued to be invited to their home for meals and chats. It really was difficult when they both passed away. I felt like I had lost my second Mom and Dad.

  21. She sounds like a very special person.
