Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Queen of Laundry


She found herself there in the laundry, in the folding of towels and tops and tiny socks. It taught her. She learned to pray in these quiet times, in this pause.

She asked the Lord what to do. He said this. Have you ever heard His voice? It is sweet. He said her real job was folding this laundry. Taking care of a family is important. It is essential. While doing that, pray, ask, seek, I hear you.

She folded everything in this grand house. Not a thing was out of her reach or distant from her effect. No whisper unheard, no cry for help disregarded. Each feather floating to the ground, another rainstorm or hushed quiet time, a meal lovingly prepared, a hope unnamed, each thing in this palace was her thing, all the things. Her eyes were on the sparrow and its eyes on her.

The War came suddenly, but she didn’t notice it. Outside the politicians howled like the wind. Inside the hearth was warm and set for bedtime. Outside the armies joined together in an evil embrace. Destruction led them. Inside her home was shalom, peace. Mercy and goodness followed her. The ground shook. The cage rattled. Did you know we are in a cage? She did not. Her bars were bent, her steps secure, her eyes ahead, only ahead. She lived free among prisoners. She sang among the deaf. She spoke and they heard, the people of silence, the people with no recollection of what had just occurred.

She stood at the ready, but no battle came near her home.

Two soldiers approached, each carrying the other. They were from the other side but needed her help. She recognized their flag, though to her it meant only Intercession. It meant triumph of the Spirit and calling out to God. Unknown to these fierce soldiers, this woman had been praying for their well-being for many years, and she welcomed them.

The war was over suddenly. The president shocked everyone, his closest, his farthest, the enemy and his friends. He said he was done, but wondered if he would ever be forgiven.

She forgave him.


  1. Да, однажды наступит мир. И какое-то время все будут счастливы, что он наступил.

    1. Спасибо, Клик. Я верю, что это правда. Мир наступает.

  2. She was a hero. Another wonderful piece of writing!

  3. Piękna bohaterka i piękne przesłanie.
    Wonderfull hero and wonderfull idea.

  4. thecontemplativecat here. Your writing is superb. Seriously. Well done. I am coming from the Low Carb Dietician. I 'll be back.

  5. Nobody wants war, except the politicians. It's easy to send innocent people to "defend" their country and sitting peacefully behind their desk ! Beautiful text !

  6. If we forgive others, God will forgive us. God bless.

  7. Great writing, Sandi. Thank you.

    God bless.

  8. War is needed by countries and people who make money from it, becoming richer and richer.

    1. I wish that wasn't true, but I think it is.

      God bless you and keep you, ирина.

  9. Poignant and straight to the point..to live in forgiveness...what a goal for each of us.
    Powerful writing.

  10. Wow some powerful and moving writing here, war is so horrible

  11. This is beautiful, Sandi. ...Just beautiful.

  12. To answer your question about choosing Uganda. Actually he didn't . The lead Global Missions pastor was going there to teach pastors about "planting" new churches and how to do it in a 3rd world country. Steve was asked to go along to document the trip and conference sessions and teach leaders how to "Use their Camera for Good". Spreading the word and using what's available. Steve has done this type of photography in India 2 times, Kenya, Costa Rica, El Salvador and several other countries. Its wonderful that he can use his talents for ministry.

  13. Z przyjemnością przeczytałam
    Pozdrawiam o poranku

  14. i could relate to her deeply dear Sandi as i share her humbleness and love for all equally regardless of label of any type .
    i adore her divinity and grace and i wish i could know her from close as my soul longs for one to whom i may sound a normal human being as she has heart as mine honestly .
    God is always with her and with them who call him with every breath they take and every beat of their heart . When he responds to their call it completes them from within and sense of such fulfilment is so liberating that makes one like "her"
    i loved your story from the bottom of my heart my friend! hugs

  15. Forgiveness is the theme of my heart. To give it out and be free is the mission of my life. Good post.

  16. Always beautiful writings and always things to really think about. Thank you.

  17. i think what opened my eyes recently was hearing ...do you your work no matter what it is ... like ironing or cleaning, even toilets ... do it for God, in his honor ... with pride and do a great job at it. put in the energy, the time and do it with your best foot forward ... i always try ...but i think it give you a more refresh feeling or thought process. take care this week. ( ;

  18. Housewives and mothers have a very important job to keep their family well and lead by good example, keeping our families close to God at home and praying they take him with them wherever they go, and show love to those that they come in contact with. Then maybe we can all show forgiveness!

  19. Hi Sandi, for some reason your comments on my last post are not showing up on my blog but are to be seen when I go into 'design'. I don't know how to rectify this.

  20. Such a special piece of writing, Sandi. Well done! xx

  21. Another beautiful story.
    You write so well.
