Sunday, July 21, 2024

A Million Questions


The ground shook violently when the four angels landed. The sound reverberated throughout the entire distracted world. You heard it clear as day. Well, as clear as days used to be. It made you ask what was real and what was not. Question number one. There would be more to follow.

A man appeared on stage. He was well-lit, perfectly lit, and convincing. His words were eloquent. They moved the audience to nowhere, but they moved toward it with great purpose. Now they were all well-lit. A band played. People worshiped. Was it right? Another question.

The sun shone on the just and the unjust. It darted around the sky. First yellow, then red, a brilliant red. How long had the sun burned us like this? Another question.

Too much coffee raises the blood. It makes you hungry. Thirsty. It makes you strong, for a moment, then weak. How long have I been a glutton?

Those books sat on your shelf, and one was hidden away, both gone now by the order of the Lord. He told you to toss them, though you had not expected it. But they were good, weren’t they? No. How much disobedience do I have?

These questions. One more, then another. All will be answered. Each on its own and then all of them together. Psst. There is only one answer.

The times changed while you watched. People, my fellow wardens of the Earth, are reaching out to phantoms. What do they see? Why do they create such destruction? That’s two questions. What is going on here? A third.

That’s how many angels fell to the Earth, a third of them. Are they what is vexing mankind?

So many questions.

Do you know the answer, my friends?

“…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

We need a Savior. See? One answer.


  1. ONE answer is right! You are a wonderful writer, Sandi~ xo Diana

  2. As there is only one answer, so too there is only One Who has not sinned - it is our Saviour Jesus. He is the only One Who can lead this sinful world to eternal life. God bless.

  3. I'm so thankful for our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord!

  4. Sandi: Amazing post, I often wonder what it will be like in the second coming. I fear for that day, there will be so much that will happen and the turmoil it is hard to think about.
    Thank-you for sharing.


  5. Stunning masterful words. Questions...definitely... there is only One Answer.

  6. The answer is the star of the show here, Sandi. The One Answer to all the questions. Thank you!

  7. One Answer. It always comes back to that One Answer.

  8. You are such a good writer. I keep wishing one day you put all these writings in a book.
    P.S. "Those books sat on your shelf, and one was hidden away, both gone now by the order of the Lord. He told you to toss them, though you had not expected it. But they were good, weren’t they?" made me do a double take. I had just started reading a library book that I was really enjoying, and then had a feeling I shouldn't be reading it, so I returned it early.

    1. Thank you, Sandra. Sometimes it is for the best to put a book down or stop watching something.

  9. thankful for that ONE answer. your writings amaze me. Such talent.

  10. Sandi, I got chill bumps when I read this. Chilling Truth!!!
    So many questions with only One Right Answer.
    Thank You

  11. God bless, Sandi. I pray you're keeping well.

  12. Blessings to you and your dear Sandi

  13. One day we will all find the answers to our questions, IN the meantime, just enjoy each day while we're here.

  14. Yes, we do need Jesus. A song comes to mind - Jesus is the Answer for the World Today. He is the only answer!

  15. A powerful and thoughtful post.

  16. Faith wants to know if you have a dog?

  17. Hello Sandi,
    Stopping by to say thank you for your kind thoughts and condolences on Eddies passing.

    I do hope to get back to regular blogging soon.
    In the meantime, my thanks again to you.

    All the best Jan

  18. He and He alone is our Savior. He is our Shepherd and prepares our way. Psalm 23.

  19. I have been missing new posts from you. I do hope all is well.
    You are such an encouragement and always get me thinking.

    1. Thanks, Sue! I am just taking a little break. Be back soon.

    2. Thanks for getting back to me. I do understand the taking a break. We all need it now and then.

  20. Sandi, I so enjoy your post. Sometimes I have to read and re-read to capture all the greatness in your words. You are an amazing writer and I appreciate your writings so very much.

  21. Have a beautiful day.

  22. The savior exists. People don't want to see it.
    p.s yes, he prays on his knees.
