Thursday, May 21, 2020

How has this time changed you?

Are you back to normal life?

Have you gone out?

How has this time changed you?


  1. Of course the way we do things has totally changed. We don't go anywhere now except to get groceries and drugs. and going grocery shopping is like preparing for a battle. Our armor is wipes, gloves, masks.

    1. Us too, though we were homebodies already. How long do you think you will you wear a mask, wipe things down, etc?

  2. Freedom of movement has had and is suffering, given that fewer people have died than in similar months in 2016-2019!

    1. That is really interesting! I suppose the safest place really is at home.

  3. It feels like less of an emergency oh, yes we can breathe. But please don't be lured into a false sense. There will be spikes as things open up. That's what happened in 1918. Don't follow the herd. Keep your family safe.

    1. We are stay at home kind of people to begin with, so I don't think we will rush out to big events now anyway. 🙂 I am watching to see what happens out there.

  4. Not back to normal but we have gotten out to the stores and I had an eye appointment yesterday. Back to being with family but not others yet. My hairs a mess. I'm happy to say I haven't gained any weight but sadly haven't lost any pounds either. What should I learn? I heard a sermon today with these 4 points elaborated, 1. Death is certain 2. Life is uncertain 3. Judgement is coming 4. Repentance is necessary.

    1. The eye doctor! That reminds me I need to reschedule some appointments.

      The four points are right on the mark, aren't they?

  5. Nothing changed for us, we continue as before. But then, our lifestyle isn't typical of most people.

    1. It's good that way. The simple life. 😊

  6. I believe that the Lord is really trying to get our attention and help us to get our priorities right. I am struggling with the feeling of things being changed too drastically in so many areas. I want things to get back to some kind of "normal". So I pray that God will give me wisdom and grace to accept the things I cannot change, and to be patient and loving and kind.

  7. I won't go out apart from walks or urgent things for quite sometime yet and always with a mask at hand, even if I don't put it on till I see others. I worry about a false sense of security sweeping the country and that will set us back. I'm definitely keeping distance, even though I miss hugs. I can work with my gray hair (or two-toned hair) for awhile longer. I'm not fond of online shopping but willing to do it longer. I have to be very careful. I don't really miss social stuff much -- a little. But it can wait. I'm in this to win it.

    1. It is sensible to take precautions. I noticed at the grocery store a few days ago most people were not wearing masks. Even the cashiers and baggers weren't. I think next time I go I may not wear one.

  8. This time has not changed me personally. And it has done little to change my lifestyle cause I'm a homebody. I am not fearful & go shopping as needed, like before. Go for walks a few times a day, too.
    I say this a lot, but believe that things are not falling apart; they're falling into place.

    Has this time changed you?

    1. Falling into place. I cling to that, Chris!

      On the surface not much has changed. We are homebodies too. I have taken precautions at the grocery store (gloves, mask) and haven't been going as often. It's nice in a way, not having to go anywhere. I like being at home.

  9. I have fallen more deeply in love with Yeshua, after spending so much time in "isolation" with Him!!! Ever more thankful for all who He is and for how "real" He is and how TRUE He is in a world that will continue to shift, wanting to hold on even firmer to His unchanging and life-giving Word. How about you Sandi? How has this time changed you?!! Love and blessings!! Good and tough question!!💙

    1. Our prayer times are a change for me! I really look forward to them.

      I have noticed what people talk about is different. It seems what is important are those things close to the heart. No one is talking about how much they miss the traffice. Everyone is talking about their family and those they love.

  10. These uncertain times have caused us to worry about our loved ones...but we are content to be home and are always busy. We have gone out...sometimes wearing masks...and we do not linger too long in one place. Hopefully better days will soon arrive. Have a wonderful weekend

  11. Hi Sandi,
    I can't say that these times have made much difference to my life really. What comes to my mind is that every day in my life is written in His book before even one of them is formed, so to just rest in Him is very peaceful. We go out shopping when necessary, and because we live on a peninsular the journey to the shops is lovely. In Jesus we have peace. God bless Sandi.

  12. life has not changed that much for me. i can't drive, so i am not out and about as much as others. i miss my family and friends, i have not seen anyone sine the first week in march. i miss the day trips with the hubs, i miss eating dinner out a few times a week, but those last few things are kind of selfish. i have a beautiful home, i am safe and i have plenty of food to eat. i have a lot of hobbies so i am easily able to stay busy. life for me is good...different, but good. and no, things have not returned to normal!!!

  13. I don't think it has changed me, but it definitely has made me think more on things.

  14. We go about our days quietly and take something positive from each.

    I miss not being able to see family and friends in person.
    The internet is wonderful but virtual hugs are not the same!

    I like Chris Lally's take on the situation...
    "believe that things are not falling apart; they're falling into place."
    I would like to think they are too, but time will tell.

    Continue to take care.

    All the best Jan

  15. I feel more trust in God oh, but I am going to do my part by remaining vigilant.

  16. I just go to Nel's house and see immediate family, but haven't even gone to the store or anything. Everything will open up again, but you won't see me going to shops, restaurants, etc. for awhile. ; )

    Take care, Sandi. What about you? Do you go out?

