Thursday, November 10, 2022



Would you be free from the burden of sin? 

There's power in the blood 

Power in the blood 

Would you o'er evil a victory win? 

There's wonderful power in the blood 

There is power, power, wonder working power 

In the blood of the Lamb


  1. Dear Sandi, because of glaucoma and the several stents in both eyes, I put 10 drops a day into both eyes. Each time, I ask my Google mini to set an alarm for two minutes so that the eye can absorb the fluid. During those two minutes I also ask mini-Google to play music for me from YouTube. Quite often the music is bluegrass and country and I so enjoy both. One time this morning it was the song about going down to the river to pray . . . the good old days. Sometimes the lyrics don't quite fit with where I am on my faith journey, but always the sincerity of the singers and the accompanying banjo and harmonica make me want to shout "Amen!" Peace from Dee Ready.

  2. A great old hymn that we sing often in church!!

  3. Amén.

  4. a wonderful memory of Sunday evening services, Sandi. bless you.

  5. Amen Sandi, it is the only power that has the ability to give us eternal life.

  6. Gosh that is an old chorus but still very true. Have a wonderful week ahead and many thanks for all the comments.

  7. Sorry Sandi I did not know I was commenting on Anonymous so here goes again. Power in the blood. An very old chorus but still VERY true, thank goodness Thanks for all your comments on my blog and have a great week ahead.

  8. Soul that finds place close to God fear from triviality
