Thursday, December 18, 2014


 This is the pond behind our house.
It reminds me that even when we are still and quiet,
the light can shine from us.


  1. When we are still and quiet before Him we soak up His Light, which in turn shines from us. Beautiful illustration, Sandi!

  2. So true...great pic, too... :)

  3. Love your photo....let your light shine where ever you are. :)

  4. Dearest Sandi,
    You have a lovely place here, one I look forward to visiting quite often. I love how you use the Word with the beautiful photography.
    This post gives one much to ponder on, thank you!

    The desire of my heart is to shine brightly for God's glory.
    That I would be yielded has His vessel so that others may come to know Him and His love for them.
    I will hide this precious post in my heart.

    Sweet blessings to you, Debbie
