Monday, May 18, 2015


When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven 
and filled the whole house where they were sitting.

Acts 2:1-2


  1. (your comment about the snake made me lol! thanks for that!) :)

  2. Oh, I just love this scriptures. Many many years ago I sang in a trio at church and we sang a song using this scripture: The wind is blowing again, the wind is blowing again. Just like the days of Pentecost, the wind is blowing again.' Had to sing you a little of it. :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. This is the second time I have come over to your blog and there has been a connection Sandi. The first time was when I bought dandelion tea for the first time, and then you visited my blog on the same day. Now, this morning, I have put a perfume on that is called 'Suddenly' and I notice your post here is called the same.
    God bless

    1. :)

      That is interesting...I wonder why?

      I noticed you are from Western Wales. Anywhere near Llanelli?

    2. Just ten miles from Llanelli - what is your connection there Sandi?. Regarding the 'suddenly' this morning, and the connection with your post on Acts ch. 2:- I believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking about the gifts of the Spirit operating in the little church gathering I attend at this moment, and I have experienced this in two independent Christian groups that were brought together by the Lord in the past.

    3. I was part of a mission team based there in the mid-90's. Not even sure if that group is still around. It was called World Horizons.

    4. I love the "suddenly" part of this verse because all is quiet, maybe no one would expect anything, and then-- suddenly!

    5. I will ask when I go to church, there are people come there from Llanelli that would remember it.
      That is how the Holy Spirit often operates - when we least expect it.
      God bless

  4. Just checked on Google Sandi, World Horizons still operating in Llanelli.

  5. Can you imagine being there?! Suddenly...
