Saturday, June 30, 2018


Does truth pursue us?

Does it depend on what we think?

What is truth? 

What does it do? Why does it do it?

Will it answer you if you ask it a question?

Is it what we think it is? 

Is it true if we think it's not?

Do you know it?

Can a liar know the truth? 

Can a sinner tell the truth? 

Does the truth use us? Move us? Change us?

What does it want from us?


  1. I suppose it all depends on how one opts to view what are facts and right there a divide is born. Perception can be misleading.
    What does it want from us? Speculaion?

    1. Perception is misleading... That is so true, isn't it? Sometimes we can believe how something seems.

  2. Yes, a liar can tell the truth; even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

  3. Truth. Truth is whatever we believe it to be. There lies the dilemma.

    1. I believe I am a tall, blonde, Ukranian supermodel.

    2. Truth is that I am tall, blond and Eastern European … Love, cat.

  4. Sandy, these are all profound questions and sometimes answers don't come easy. I believe even a sinner at some point of his life can tell the truth because the truth is always present.

  5. I have been told some liars believe if they keep repeating a lie it will seem to be the truth. That is sad! Enjoy your day and weekend!

    1. I think that's true. We begin to believe what we hear over and over, especially if we are the ones saying it.

  6. We are all asking many of these questions these days...

  7. Some very pertinent questions here. Truth and honesty are hugely important to me, and I am sad to see them debased.

  8. John 18:38 (NKJV)
    38 Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no fault in Him at all.

    1. Matthew 27:19- While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat, his wife sent him this message: “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.”

      I wonder what effect that had on Pilate and how he saw Jesus. Maybe he knew...? I like to think he did. He did not want to condemn Jesus.

  9. Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the life. He came to tell us the truth. We have to know the truth given to us in God's Word so we can identify the lies thrown at us. I could go on and on. :)

  10. Following Jesus is the way of truth.
    You do not want to lie anymore!

    1. I lived in a monastery for 9 years. Lots of lies going on there. Love, cat.


    2. Why did you live in a monastery?

  11. Tooth is something we have in our mouth and it helps us to ... oh ... you said truth !!!

    God bless.

  12. Truth can be a lot of things. No one know how other might react to the truth.
    "If" is only a question and never and answer.
    Coffee is on

  13. I do think the truth can change a person. There are also truths that can hurt a person if they are told in anger or withe hatred.

    Happy Sunday- xo Diana

  14. The more truth you know the more lies you discover. Love, cat.

    1. I think that is so true. There are many things I thought were true at one time that turned out to be lies.

  15. Ah Sandi - The Real Truth will set us free. Hope you have a blessed 4th of July. Hugs!
    P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. Truth is freedom . . . freedom to know yourself and others as they really are. A penned up lie can eat away at your soul, it's like a frighten caged bird, but open the door with the truth and the bird is set free to soar and be what he is suppose to be . . . Free. Free of Satan's power.

  17. Very well said and gives plenty room for serious thought.

  18. Interesting questions. Truth can be elusive but I thank God the Holy Spirit can led us into truth.

  19. These are very good questions to think about.

    Here is my thought on your last question, what does it want from us? If we believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, then the Truth wants everything from us. He wants all of us and He wants us to have all of Him.

  20. I think one has to start with question number three to answer the others! "What is truth?" A person who thinks truth is relative will never find real answers to life's questions, and, I think, be constantly frustrated and unfulfilled. A person who believes what the Bible says, that Jesus is the Truth, the Way, and the Life will approach life from a totally different perspective. That's an absolute truth on which to hang one's hope.

  21. Greetings Sandi,

    A thoughtful post, my kind friend. The truth is that firstly, truth comes from being genuine with ourselves and emanating such genuine truth to the outside world.

    One can convince their self that a lie is the truth. I do not abide by such thinking anymore.

    In peace and thanks,

