Wednesday, April 10, 2019

John 17:15

I do not ask that you take them out 
of the world, but that you 
keep them from the evil one.


  1. Beautiful. I am taking Women's Bible Study at my church for several years now, for learning and for fellowship.

  2. My prayer for my kids.
    It tell so much about Christ's love!

  3. Yes! Another powerful reminder!

  4. Timely with Easter around the corner.

  5. Amazing how much is in one verse!

  6. A Bíblia é um livro santo! E mesmo ao agnóstico, a Bíblia é um excelente livro de literatura pelos textos magistrais. Nela está o verbo e o verbo faz-se em tudo. Deus seja louvado! Grande abraço! Laerte.

  7. A powerful prayer of intercession

  8. The deceiver is always on the prowl.

  9. Hi Sandi, I had to smile when I read your comment left on my blog yesterday and especially when you said, “Thank God for the Internet. What did we ever do without it?” So true! And this morning I put the Internet to work on John 17:15. According to Ellicott’s Commentary, “He prays not that they should be taken out of the world before their work is done. The Christian ideal is not freedom from work, but strength to do it; not freedom from temptation, but power to overcome it; not freedom from suffering, but joy in an abiding sense of the Father’s love; not absence from the world, but grace to make the world better for our presence; not holy lives driven from the world, and living apart from it, but holy lives spent in the world and leavening it.” How does that square up with your thoughts? John

    1. Wow...I really like that. Yes. We have work to do.

      Although, I am a bit of a hide-er.

  10. what a wonderful message !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    temptations of this world are here to test our strength of faith and to face them fearlessly ,and to overcome our all false desires
