Friday, April 26, 2019


Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God.Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7

Your hair is numbered? 

How strange.

Why would anyone number hair?

Maybe there is a reason for that, but I think the meaning is simply that you matter to God. If a small detail like hair matters, certainly the events of your day are important to Him as well. Your feelings, worries and concerns, all of your tomorrows. Everything.


  1. Hi Sandi, Your post today reminds me of one of my favorite old songs, His Eye is on the Sparrow. It goes like this ...

    Why should I feel discouraged,
    Why should the shadows come,
    Why should my heart be lonely,
    And long for heaven, heaven and home,
    When, when Jesus is my portion,
    My constant Friend is He;
    Oh, oh-oh, his eye is on the sparrow,
    And I know He watched, watched it over me.

    One of my favorite renditions is done by George Beverly Shea which you can hear at

    1. This was my grandmothers (Moms mom) favorite hymn
      and she sang it often to me.

  2. Amen! I recently read or heard about this verse and they made the same point as you...we matter to God. Thank you, Sandi, for sharing this with us.

  3. What is important is not forgotten.

  4. God is in the details, always.
    Blessings, Sandi!

  5. Thank you for this post. Have a blessed weekend.

  6. I agree. He knows everything about us, because He made us.

  7. I think it might be to let you know how well He knows you.

  8. I particularly love sparrows because of this quote, and they always remind me of God. Have a lovely weekend!

  9. We do matter, all of us, every hair.

  10. Well, my hair on my head adds up to zero. :)

  11. I know it matters everything to Him!!!

  12. I love this! Isn't it a comfort to know that even the small details matter to God?

  13. so True. If God knows the number of hairs that grow on our heads, HE certainly knows the matters of our heart.

  14. Hi Sandi,
    I believe that every part of us is fashioned by God, just as if we were to make a child's doll we would put everything together, including every hair on it's head.

  15. I just thought about this verse this morning, Sandi. God takes care of the sparrows and birds, and He will surely take care of us. : )

    Wishing you wonderful May days. I'm a bit partial to May, as it's my birthday month haha.

