Saturday, July 29, 2023

Hell and Heroes and Kings


I lost my fortune long ago 

All I have is my old banjo 

But my voice is true and my arms are strong 

I will win your heart with just a song 

With my old banjo 

I’ve faced hell and heroes and kings 

Till I can’t tell my fingers from its strings 

I will wait outside your window 

I will play for you on my old banjo 

And the shadows will fall and the wind will blow 

But I’ll wait for you barefoot in snow 

I lost my fortune long ago 

All I have is my old banjo 

And the dream of you and a love so strong 

That I will win your heart with just a song 


  1. I've never heard that one. She has a pretty voice.

  2. Hi Sandi: Mean Mary is one of my top five favorite singers, Jezebel is my favorite of hers.
    Thank-you for the video.


  3. Wow, she is fabulous!!! I went on YouTube and listened to quite a few more of her songs. I love her! Great banjo playing and beautiful ballads. Thank you!!!

  4. I love the banjo music and Mean Mary brings it up a notch. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, 🎼

  5. Lovely song Sandi, and she plays the banjo beautifully. God bless.

  6. Love this.
    I've never heard of her or this song before, but now I'm off to Youtube to check out some more.
