Thursday, May 16, 2024

How does the Lord feel about you?


(Trouble me) disturb me with all your cares and your worries 

(Trouble me) on the days when you feel spent

Why let your shoulders bend 

Underneath this burden 

When my back is sturdy and strong? 

Trouble me

(Speak to me) don't mislead me 

The calm I feel means a storm is swelling 

(Speak to me) there's no telling where it starts or how it ends 

(Speak to me) why are you building this thick brick wall to defend me 

(Speak to me) when your silence is my greatest fear?

Why let your shoulders bend 

Underneath this burden 

When my back is sturdy and strong? 

Speak to me

(Let me) have a look inside these eyes while I'm learning 

(Let me) please don't hide them just because of tears 

(Let me) send you off to sleep with a 

"There, there, now stop your turning and tossing" 

(Let me) let me know where the hurt is and how to heal


Spare me 

Don't spare me anything 


(Trouble me) disturb me with all your cares and your worries 

(Speak to me) and let our words build a shelter from the storm 

(Let me) and lastly, let me know what I can mend

There's more, honestly 

Than my sweet friend, you can see 

Trust is what I'm offering 

If you trouble me

"Trouble Me" by Natalie Merchant, Dennis Drew, 10,000 Maniacs


  1. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for this thought for post Sandi

  3. I have always loved Natalie Merchant, and I know this song. But I didn't know the words! They are fabulous!

  4. Oh wow, thank you. Feeling Blessed!

  5. I love this and I know the song, but reading the lyrics gave me a new perspective. Thanks.

  6. This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  7. What a awesome God we serve. Wonderful words.

  8. Great words and great song!
    God wishes to know about our prolems, directly from the source., from us.

  9. the love of God surrounds all his men from around and within dear Sandi and this poetry reflects it powerfully as how God offers to have faith !
    thanks for brightening up my day my dear friend! hugs

  10. Oh the Lord is my Father and he loves me, I love it when I pray and I feel His Presence. I can talk to Him about anything and He so hears me. : )

  11. Sandi, thank you for sharing these moving lyrics from Natalie Merchant's "Trouble Me." They beautifully capture the depth of God's love and His invitation for us to bring our worries to Him. Let's find comfort in knowing we can trust Him with our troubles. Warm hugs!

  12. I love this! So glad we have Jesus to run to with all our cares.

