Thursday, June 27, 2024

Other Freedom


Look what you did to my bangs.

This is a terrible haircut!

I should have stopped you. Regret. I should have risen from this swiveling chair and struck you down. Maybe not. Maybe that’s crazy. Instead, I will think of you every time I look at my driver’s license photo and shudder at your ineptitude. How dare you make me look funny?

I really sound like this in my head, but read with sound it sounds… 

How does it sound? I’ll tell you.

To me it rolls back and forth like a tennis game. I should have. She shouldn’t have. But to the Lord? How does this sound to you, Lord? Like praise? No. Like forgiveness? Nope. 

Rage? Yes, rage.

But there’s more.

As I seek the Lord a great grief covers me. This bothers Him

The condition of my heart towards you hurts Him.

Take that, Unforgiveness. 

The gift of realizing how painful and heavy this is, was just what I needed to let it go.

Weird, the things that hold us down.

And yesterday I was in that salon again, except now it is a coffee shop. Its name? 

Restore. No kidding.


  1. Sandi, this is great. I so enjoyed reading this, I found a lot of humor in it because of course we've probably all felt this way at one time or another. I've even had to stay away from certain blogs because of mean girls so to speak. Yesterday I heard a lady speak on Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth radio program and she was talking about forgiveness saying we need to ask the Lord to *want* to forgive. It's hard sometimes, but I must admit your story was hilariously true and truthful too! Oh me oh my, I hope those bangs grow fast dear one..And oh, those pesky drivers license pics. Do any of us have decent ones? lol

    Let us have coffee! Cheers!

    I have a new blog up, not sure if it's showing up because I had to come to your page yesterday because yours was not showing up on my reading list for some reason but this one did. Have a great day, loved this blog entry. ~Amelia

    1. This was about 10 years ago. I have since given up on bangs. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. I have had horrible experiences with haircuts too. Sorry.

  3. Hello Sandi: Wow this is something to read over and over again, I should have I should not have, many times I hear people saying this about their beliefs, like my brother and his wife I should have gone to Mass, but I was so tired, I should not have drank so much last evening so I should get up for Church in the morning, so many should and should have nots are maybe a staple in some peoples lives, many regrets later in life will never make up for the should haves.
    If I hurt someone's feelings unintentionally I am ashamed and ask for forgiveness, I also ask the Lord for forgiveness.

    Love this post

  4. What does the Lord have to do with your unsuccessful haircut? It happens to us all to get out of a salon in frustration. So, till next time, or as in my case, I'm my own hairdresser.

  5. Great post, life is full of I should have and I shouldn't have done moments no point on stewing over them what is done is done and can't be undone so if need be ask for forgiveness and move on

  6. A messed up haircut is a tough one! You're right though, we need to forgive that too.
    Restore - that's good!

  7. At least hair grows back. :) I think the hardest person to forgive is ourselves.

  8. My hair is impossible to make look, I just tell them they cannot make it look worse. It is stiff, and coarse...and a lot of it. But the anger and holding on to grudges over other things is something the Lord must really be disappointed in me over. I have to constantly tell myself to let go.

  9. Oh Sandi...I love your honesty and vulnerability with sharing this. We've all been there, but not all of us are willing to share! And, yes, realizing how it hurts Him who gave so much for us definitely makes a difference for us when that same opportunity (or one like it that causes rage in our head and heart) comes up again! And I love the name of that coffee shop! xx

  10. Often forgiveness is difficult. But it should not stop us from trying.

    Speaking of haircuts - I went to a hairdresser years ago. I told him I wanted my hair cut just like Tony Curtis. He nodded, took out his electric machine and cut my hair totally off. I was totally bald.

    I was totally furious. "I am totally bald," I said pointing at the obvious, "do you even know who Tony Curtis is?"

    "Sure," he said, "I have seen him in 'The King And I' at least five times!"

    God bless.

  11. Forgiving someone liberates one's soul, very difficult at times. You write beautifully, from the heart. I have very straight hair and once I got a curly perm that was way too curly. When I greeted my husband and son after leaving the salon, our son's eyes went wide and he started screaming when I reached for him. He was a babe in arms, not yet two, and didn't recognize me. For a long time afterwards he just kept staring at me. Thankfully there were no lasting repercussions, but it was a very, very long time before I got another perm.

    1. Oh, my heart hurt for you as I read that. I think if you wash a perm right away it will come out. Too late now though. Poor kid. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

  12. I think we've all had that haircut. That's what wigs are for!

  13. I agree we can be so good and be following God's will and ways for us and something can happen that can totally be far from how he wants us to behave and think. So grateful for the forgiveness he gives when I stray from what he asks of me. I love that it is now a coffee shop called Restore :)
