Thursday, March 22, 2018

Do You Know Jesus?

I asked someone once if they know Jesus.
It was like asking them if they knew a brick wall.
It sounded like madness.

"I see Jesus in the faces of the poor," they said.

That's beautiful, but it's not the same thing. 

We can know Him. He is real. He knows you. 
He speaks. He cares. He loves you. He is alive.
It's bizarre, but true. 

Do you know Him? 

John 10:14- 
I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—


  1. He knows me.

    Love this post. Thank you.

  2. These days and increasing number of people do not know God, or Jesus.

    We need to pray.

    God bless.

  3. There is 'that of God' in every soul. Loving and sharing our joy seems to lure people to explore faith. Questioning them makes them clam up and get defensive in my experience. Seeing Jesus in the face of the poor is a holy and wondrous thing in my eyes. In answer to your question: Yes

    1. Thank you, Cloudia. :)

      I suppose some people would clam up. Some people would come to life, though. It's good to be wise about it and know when it is ok to talk about these things. I never mean to upset someone. I also thought it was wonderful to see Jesus like that. I meant only that knowing and seeing are different things.

      Thanks for your comment! Have a great day.

  4. Dear Sandi - Yes I do - but I want to know Him better and love Him more. How about you? Have a lovely day. Hugs!

  5. I sure do know Him and wanna know Him more each day!

    I had to chuckle at your comment about me being on the fire tower of Balsam Lake Mountain summit. Yes it was very high but I've been on higher mountains! Highest I've been hiking is about 4600 feet high. In the Adirondacks. The photo showed me on the top just as a snow storm hit!!!

  6. Oh yes, I do know Jesus, and Jesus knows me...and better yet, Jesus Loves Me, this I know! For the Bible tells me so!!! So thankful to know that my Father in heaven loves me and knows me...He even knows my name!!! It is written down in His book!!!! Oh yes, Jesus loves me!! Yes, Jesus loves me!

  7. oh my, Sandi! I had a similar conversation yesterday!! I didn`t have a good rejoinder ready but realize a good one would be to carry a card with the scripture, Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved!! God Bless you and have a great day!!♡

  8. I agree with Victor. We need to pray!

  9. I sure do and can't imagine a day without Him.
    I agree with Victor too.
