Saturday, October 6, 2018

John 21:25

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

What do you think He did?


  1. Oh wow, that's a big question! Kindness. I think His smile, His eyes radiated kindness in His daily encounters and actions.

  2. Hello dear Sandi!
    I think Jesus did a lot of miracles ,and talked about kindness and love!
    Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Replies
    1. I believe He did that. He always healed, always. He didn't send anyone away.

  4. Easier to make a list of things He didn't do...

  5. For sure, only things to help people. Healings, miracles, and teaching.

  6. I think of Luke 4 where the Lord did very ordinary things to us: He entered ... He stood up to read ... unrolled the book ...rolled up the book ... delivered it up to the attendant ... sat down. But every one of these actions was perfectly in accord with the mind of heaven, delighting His God and Father. How many simple, perfect actions there must have been in the life of Jesus..

  7. Lots more of the same that we know about.
    Taught, healed, helped and saved.

  8. Everything that allowed her time.

  9. He loved the people everywhere He went...He healed the sick, cured the lame, raised the dead...and He blessed the children and the lonely. He laughed and danced and enjoyed life while teaching them how to live eternally! He prepared breakfast on the beach, and fed the multitudes in the fields...He taught the fishermen to become fishers of men...His life was full and rich and healing to all who came near.

  10. Yes universal truths are countless and so many beyond our approach

    he let us know what we need to know at the very moment
    he is whole of wisdom indeed!

  11. From the time I was a small child I admired Jesus for respecting women at a time that was not kind to women. I didn't understand then that women are still treated harshly in many parts of the world or that the stoning of women still happened. I am certain that he is appalled at the horrific things that have been done in his name.
