Friday, April 15, 2022

What is Good About Good Friday?


It's good eventually.

But that night maybe they couldn't see it. Maybe when the sky went dark and 

the curtain in the temple tore in two, they could not imagine that it was good. 

Maybe when the ground shook they shook too. Are you shaking?


  1. Oh yes, I am shaking with the realization that Christ died for ME, while I was yet in my sins. He loved me this much and wanted to open the way for me to join Him in heaven one day. Praise God for such love for a sinner such as I.

  2. Shaking for those who are ignoring the Truth about what all of this means for all of us. The most amazing 3 days in the history of the world!

  3. No, I'm not shaking. This is a day of stillness, a day that I want to be very close to God, as He gave His only son for my sins. I will reflect on the Holy family all day.


  4. Can you even imagine the horror of that day, and how they were feeling?

  5. I am glad we live on this side of the crucification. We now know that it all turned into something so good for us.

  6. Yes friend I shake too. Yes it all turned out for our good. Have a lovely Easter.

  7. I can't imagine how they felt, and how frightening it was when all went dark ant the veil tore. But we know the ending!

  8. It was good ... because it changed the world.

    God bless.

  9. God's plan for us to have eternal life through Jesus' sacrifice.

  10. Happy Easter, Sandi! 🐣🐣🐣

  11. Dear Sandi,
    Życzę spokojnych, pogodnych i zdrowych Świąt wielkanocnych.

  12. Replies
    1. Спасибо, Светлана. Я помню его. Он был против войны в Ираке, когда Буш был президентом.
