Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Does Jesus Laugh?

If you went to meet Him tonight, 
what would you expect to find?


  1. I'm sure that He does...just as He wept over His people, I believe He also laughed with them and with us. I find it wonderful that He created us with our emotions...and then that He experienced everything that we experience in our lives. I enjoy a good laugh and I think He does too. :) xx

  2. I would expect a warm welcome and a big hug.

  3. Not sure I know how to answer this question, Sandi, as much of the world is very sad and there is little to laugh about at the moment.

  4. Joy and wonder and all good things beyond our imagination. I think Jesus laughs sometimes.

  5. Jesus was a person, so I expect he would experience every human emotion.

  6. We are created in His Image and since I laugh...I know He does too. Think there is someplace in the OT that says God laughs. Thanks for stopping by to visit me. I hope you have a blessed beginning to the Christmas season. Hugs!

  7. A really nice, very kind guy who would respect every human being of every faith so long as they were good people.

    1. He loves everyone, but He did say this:

      Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

  8. A very warm welcome, and I'm sure He laughs too.

  9. Oh yes, laugh He does. He would welcome me with a big smile and much joy. I would be overjoyed to see my Savior! :)

  10. A big hug and an equally big smile.

  11. Well I hope he laughs and is the kind and generous spirit we expect, my Mum saw Jesus after her stroke when she thought she was dying and he told her it would be ok, it wasn't her time yet and it wasn't she lived for another 40yrs

  12. I'm sure he would experience the same emotions we do.

    All the best Jan

  13. Oh, I see many feel the same way as I do...I'd expect a very big hug and "Welcome HOME, Pam! We've been waiting for you!" There will be much joy such as we cannot begin to fathom here and now. Yes, Jesus laughs, He welcomes us like the father of the prodigal son...there will be a celebration in the house tonight!!

  14. A very down to earth person up in Heaven.

  15. A big smile and the possibility to see again my dears who are in heaven.

  16. Sorry, Bill, I accidentally deleted your comment! 🫤

  17. When I look at every human being created, I can only imagine the person of Jesus, a sum of all the most amazing and beautiful parts of humanity, yet God dwelling in that flesh. Does Jesus laugh? Oh yes, I believe He does. I look forward to the day when I will be able to know Him fully, without the layers of humanity limiting me. Won't that be glorious!

  18. A friendly face that shows love and kindness.

  19. A very loving Son of God, that is Who I believe Jesus is.

  20. I would expect to find a very loving Son of God.

  21. People would like to think he has human qualities, the ability to laugh being one of them. It's better, however, not to have any expectations.
