Tuesday, January 2, 2018


She was born under the shadow. At least, that's what the shadow told her. Lie after lie, always looking one way or another, just not straight ahead. The shadow lead her; the lie lead them both. 

She was hopeful, a sign that another was interfering in her path. Sometimes she would hear "no" and she would stop, turn a little, pause and wait. She began to hear that no often and the shadow winced every time.

She was glamourous. A girl made of glitter. Glitter made of diamonds and all of the other deceptive stones that are sparkly but useless. All eyes were on her. So what.

She swept them away and there was nothing left. No accolades to feed on. Nothing but nothing. Open air. Empty wide skies. And she loved it.

"Here," said the voice. "Now." 

And she was different. The shadow crumbled, as if pulled away by a string, and the lie stumbled over its own words, unable to stand. 

She was free, though she didn't know what that meant yet. She only knew she was different, separated from the lies that had led her and listening intently for that still small voice to say no or now.


  1. Hello, wonderful story and writing. Happy New Year!
    I hope you have a great new day and new week of 2018.

  2. John 8:32: "and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free".
    Blessings in this New Year!

  3. Oh wow! that is so good. Thank you. Your little stories always leave me wanting "more". Happy New Year.

  4. Happy New Year and here is to a new year of writing!


  5. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. ~Luke 12:2

    I liked your story, Sandi.


  6. Love your story of Now in the new year! May every Glamorous girl full of glitter and more be set free to know the truth!! Blessings and love!

  7. "free...different...separated from lies...listening!"

    Happy New Year, Sandi!

  8. Good story to start the new year.

  9. As I read your post 'As a man thinks, so he is' came into my mind. What is on the outside is temporary - it is what is on the inside that matters.
    Happy new year Sandi

  10. Beautiful Sandi. That brought up some intense feelings for me, as I relate very much to it. Cheers. :)

  11. Ah,,,
    what an inspirational piece of writing dearest Sandi!!!

    i must say you should write a book as these diamonds of your words are so useful and have ability to touch the heart in deep

  12. Pięknie napisane, wartościowe , pozdrawiam

  13. A fine story for 2018 :)


  14. Interesting.
    And a different type of writing..
