Tuesday, February 20, 2018


“Let him who is without sin among you be 
the first to throw a stone at her.” 

And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 

Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 

She said, “No one, Lord.”

John 8


  1. I'm wondering how this would apply today, especially to the monster in the oval office and other powerful men in government and business? Love the photo - it looks like an oasis in the Sahara. Are those camel tracks in the sand up front?

    1. Well, all the people in power like this need our prayers (or, if not prayer, at least hopes and encouragement that they will do the right thing.) Throwing stones doesn't really help things. There was a politician on tv years ago who was making me mad. Ha ha... I don't even remember what he was saying now, but I was all upset about it. The Lord told me to pray for peace for him and his family. (Uh...what...but I am mad at him.) But you know what? When I prayed for him to have peace, I had peace. It was great.

      I found the photo online at Creative Commons. I don't know what kind if tracks those are, but camel sounds right!

  2. Only He could throw with the stone... ;)

  3. The sad thing is that even in our time, in certain societies, women suspected of adultery, are stoned and/ or murdered by other means.

  4. I always wondered why the man involved in adultery was not called to account. It takes two to tango. I am thankful that we have a merciful God.

    1. yeah...I wonder how this story would read if he had been right there?

  5. For some reason that reminds me of how readily we sometime condemn others who are different from "our normal" standard.
    Blessings- xo Diana

  6. Yes, no one can condemn you or judge...

  7. Sandi, this is one of my favorite parts of the Biblical shows that I watch. People judge so harshly. It puzzles me, as they have many sins themselves.


  8. We need this straightforward wisdom today!

  9. Such a great example of God's amazing forgiveness for all of us. Now let us remember to "Go, and sin no more."
    Blessings, Sandi!

    1. Yessss!

      I didn't include that very important verse because I wanted the focus to be on the way no one could condemn her.

  10. We should not judge lest we be judged and all of us have sinned.
    BUT He did say, Go and sin no more.

  11. Does all depend on the stoop of the Lord Jesus? Into manhood, and into death.
    But He could say, "Go in peace" to the woman in Luke 7; she had come to really know Him.

  12. Too many in this world choose to be the proverbial accuser.

  13. Wow! You really know how to make a powerful point...and so did Jesus. Thank you for sharing His Word, given for us to learn how to love. May we heed its voice. Amen.

  14. Bonjour,

    Un joli billet...

    Gros bisous 🌸

  15. Amen! Thank you always for your posts..
    even as we read Jesus` words so many times, sometimes we still judge others, great post and to see Jesus standing there writing on the ground. He is our Judge, our Righteousness, His Love endures forever! May we see the plank in our own eyes and always seek Him and not judge others and the sawdust in theirs. God Bless you!!

  16. What a powerful post, Sandi! Thank you for sharing.

  17. Yes. Who is without sin?
    Greetings, Sandi :)

  18. very POWERFUL and inspirational dear Sandi!

    no one is pure enough to rise finger upon any one except God!
