Monday, May 22, 2023

What Things

I just really love that title. It's short and precise and vague all at the same time. 

Here we are again with Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. Join in here!

1. What makes you tired? 

Worry. The battlefield is in the mind, as they say.

2. What things do you value in life?

My sons and husband. My little great-niece and great-nephew who come stay with us sometimes. Jesus who never leaves me. Peace and quiet. Good coffee. 

It lifts up my soul to see or hear about something and then pray about it. 

I know God answers prayer. I've seen it. He'll answer you too.

3. How do you want others to see you?

I want to have kind eyes. You can't see me, so you don't know. 

I hope that is what other people see in me.

4. What things do you enjoy most and find most relaxing to do?





  1. Really good questions to poke at my brain this morning.
    1. What makes me tired...first thought is when I am doing my "stint" for my dear alzheimer's friend. The brutal disease keeps me on my toes.
    2. I value, like you, my Husband, my sons and their families, I value my relationship with the Lord and just how much He cares for me.
    3. I would hope people see me as kind and giving. I pray they see me as compassionate with a serving heart.
    4. I really enjoy pulling weeds..if you can believe it!! It has a certain therapy to working the earth and watching nature around me. I also enjoy photography not great at it but it does give me a satisfaction that feeds my artistic bent. I love NOT having to explain why I took a certain picture or gave it the treatment. Nuff said!
    I love sitting with a flavored coffee and cruising blogs.

    1. great answers! ๐Ÿ˜„ The last sentence makes me picture you on a cool motorcycle.

  2. I enjoyed your answers, Sandi, especially number 3. And there's nothing like a good cup of coffee, is there?

    Have a good week in May.


    1. Thanks! Yes, coffee is a gift from God. ๐Ÿ˜…

  3. Now that's what I'm talking about.. good answers! Thanks for joining in. I appreciate it.

  4. Sandi love the answers to the questions. In this life it is nice to consider the things we are given to enjoy and folks to love and how we want to be. God Bless - Hope you are having a wonderful day.

  5. kindness, the most important quality in anyone!!

  6. You are right, the battleground is the mind!

  7. Lack of sleep and the rush of life tires me my family matters most to me, I like to listen toi books and write letters

  8. I'm sure you do have kind eyes. :)
    Someone once told me I had kind eyes, her name was Iris and I took that as one of the nicest compliments I've been given.

  9. Great answers to these questions. Blessings, GM

  10. I think you do have kind eyes. I can tell by reading your blog that you have a kind heart and I think it shows in the eyes.

  11. I like the questions and your answers. Jesus spoke often telling us not to worry and to fear not, and thus he knows we do worry. Sometimes I walk to the ocean two blocks from my house and give Him my worries.

    1. The beach is only two blocks away-- wow!!

  12. Great Answers. Most of them apply to my life. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  13. Yeah, kind eyes. I hope others see that too, even when I'm not at my best, but only so that I may bring glory to Christ. I'm not worthy but He always is. Any kindness in me is the Holy Spirit.
    Good post.

  14. OH, I love that, "kind eyes". That's something to be blessed with and blessed by...a kind look can say so much more than words. You did good here, my friend. Thank you for joining in. We need your voice out here!!

  15. It's fun to learn a little more about you through these Tuesday prompts!

  16. Hi Sandi: Rude people make me tired, I worry they will offend someone, God my family and the good life God gave me are what I value most.
    Kindness and friendship are what I hope people see in me.
    Mass on Sunday mornings, I love a good cup of coffee on the back deck when the sun is coming up, spending time with family and friends are what I find relaxing plus reading.


  17. Beautiful post.
    1. Worries
    2. My family - Pace and quiet
    3. This is not a problem for me
    4. My family - Running

  18. Good answers and great comments from your readers.

    God bless.

  19. I love that you "want to have kind eyes." It's a beautiful thing, kindness.

  20. Kindness is important because it seems to be lacking in the world today.

  21. I loved this blog . Interesting. I tried answering this as well in my mind

  22. What valuable comments of your friends! This is a good and helpful series of questions for the right line in our life.

    I also love the KIND EYES very very much!!

    Love and blessings to you from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

  23. Bonjour,

    Il est bon parfois de faire le point sur soi... Un beau bilan qu'est le vรดtre. Bisous bisous

  24. Je ne sais pas si mon commentaire a รฉtรฉ pris en compte... bisous bisous

  25. Je disais qu'il รฉtait bon de faire le point sur soi...

  26. awe such a lovely sharing dear Sandi :)
    loved it !
    thanks for beautiful posting friend

  27. I'm willing to bet that you have kind eyes, Sandi!

  28. Yes, worry can definitely make us tired. Oh, I like that...kind eyes! I enjoyed your #4 answer.
