Sunday, September 15, 2024

Free Indeed


"I will set you free," He said.

Did I believe Him?

He gave me this song. 

Why? Lots of wandering? 

But here I am, now unwandered. He has set me free.

How about you?

Have you been set free?

It's not your imagination, something is very wrong with our world.

A return to Our Creator is the only Answer. It's time.

I worry I am stealing this song by putting it here on my blog, but when you click it goes straight to youtube. I am not paid for it or for anything here. Just words on a page for you to read. Well, hopefully not just words.

God bless you.

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." 

John 8:36


  1. Amen to "It's not your imagination, something is very wrong with our world.
    A return to Our Creator is the only Answer. It's time."
    Love that old song.

  2. I am indeed set free, praise be to our God! He is our only hope! Thanks for sharing.
    Blessings, Sue

  3. We both adore this song and were just humming it the other day!!!

  4. I haven't heard that song for quite some time. He has set me free too.

  5. He has set me free. But I still live here. There is something critically wrong with the world. I don't honestly know if God wants it fixed now or not. Is it the beginning of the end? Only God knows. I am ready, but it is still sad.

  6. OH, this was SO good! I just enjoyed singing along with him, and it was phenomenal! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Thank you for sharing this with us. And yes, there is something very wrong with our world. Only Jesus can save us and make a difference. If people don't turn to Him, it will be very very bad for them. We need to PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!

  7. I can't listen to this song. YouTube has been blocked in Russia since 1st August.

    1. He is a Russian-American singer. I wish you could watch it!


  8. i know this song ...but i am not familiar with this version. i will check it out. thanks, for your visit and comment. can you believe how quickly how this Sept. is flying by. wow. don't blink. LOL!! be well. see ya again soon. ( ;

  9. Hi Sandi, just listened to this song, it is beautiful, and a beautiful message to everyone. You don't have to worry about putting it up as YouTube is free for us to watch on the internet. My husband and I watch lots of things on it on our tv. God bless.

  10. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.

    God bless.
