Friday, September 27, 2024

Statues of Sin


The kings came to power, but each of them left the high places standing where 

the gods were worshiped in place of God and suffering increased in the land.

She approached the statue with sorrow for what she had once believed. Here sat a man made of mortar. Nothing else. The city was vacant. The war of the gods had scared almost everyone away. 

She remembered this place from her youth when she came with student friends and wandered to all the sites. It took a million exhausting steps to see it all. With her many years she stood again with the man of stone. He had been a hero, but now merely a symbol of what had happened. The tower had fallen. The museum was closed. Giants had built this place but  they were gone. The war had set us free.

The symbols they left behind were covered with code, markings to be deciphered, and messages to eachother. With secrets they had built this city to control the Earth. It did not remain, but the Earth did.

"What do we do with their symbols now?"

The statue spoke, 

"If the people's hearts are humble before God, these stones are powerless. Your children will not even know what they mean."

And with that the last of the high places came down and no one remembered them.

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