Thursday, February 9, 2023



Do you have 24 minutes?

This is an amazing video about a Christian revival that took place at Asbury College in 1970. 


  1. I have to be honest - a little long for my time II allow myself. I do appreciate that there was a revival there back then of regular Christian kids - who faught for Christian virtues.

    1. It's worth it if you have some extra time.

    2. Just my lil ole two cents here..I find my attention span is dwindling more and more these days, so I understand. Something I like to do so that I don't miss out on some longer videos is to play them in the background while I do other things..This only works if there's a lot of dialogue, of course. I appreciate lessons from the past too, but feel a bit sad when I see how young people have changed these days. Hoping this kind of revival will happen again despite the current conditions.

  2. Wow! We need this today. It's not a revival unless it spreads throughout the whole gathering. Sometimes I feel so alone in my own faith.

  3. Sadly, this is not happening very much today if at all.
    Taking our Christians beliefs from us is rapidly happening.
    Thank-you for sharing.


    1. Don't give up hope. 1970 was a dire time too. The Vietnam War was happening, morality was under attack in the 60's, but still God moved.

  4. This was truly powerful. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I think back to where I was in 1970...not that far hubby and I were at Toccoa Falls College in Toccoa Falls, GA, also a Christian college. Hubby was teaching in their high school academy, a boarding school on the college campus. I was working in the college business office. It seems like I remember hearing about this revival...this stirred up memories long laying dormant. We need a great revival again today. I pray God's Holy Spirit will stir the hearts of people everywhere with this desire for revival in each heart. It's time...before Jesus returns to earth to take us all to heaven...there's a lot of work yet to be done...many souls yet to be saved and hearts to be changed. We definitely need this revival again. Thank you. This stirred my heart and soul.

  5. This is what happened to me in 1975 at Georgia Southern College. I was born again as well as many of my classmates, and I have never seen anything like that since, but I do ask God to bring this around again! A truly amazing time.
    Linda Tucker

  6. This took me back to the charismatic revivals here in UK, even within our little country church.

  7. ... I'll have to come back to this one.

    All the best Jan
