Sunday, February 26, 2023

What are the odds?

Edwin Booth

John Wilkes Booth had a famous brother, also an actor, named Edwin Booth. It was to Edwin's great shame that his brother had assassinated Abraham Lincoln. Years after that fateful day in the theater, Edwin Booth was traveling by train and was caught up in an impatient crowd at a busy railway station. He was a recognizable man and hoped no one would notice him. However, he moved forward toward to the conductor in an attempt to use his fame to get a last minute ticket.

As he drew closer he saw a man fall between the platform and the train. In the commotion no one else seemed to see him. The man was trapped. The engine roared, and with moments to spare, Edwin Booth reached down, grabbed the man by the collar, and pulled him to safety. The man turned to see who had rescued him and was astonished to be face-to-face with none other than Edwin Booth. The men parted ways quickly and Booth did not know who he had rescued until some time later when he received a letter from an old friend, a military General, who informed him the man he had saved that day was Abraham Lincoln's son. 

This knowledge gave Booth a measure of comfort, that despite the horror linking his family to theirs, he had been able to show this kindness to one of them.

Do you believe in destiny or was this merely a coincidence?


  1. OMGOSH, Sandi! WHAT a story. I think God had a hand in that scenario! xo Diana

  2. Wow that is amazing - I don't believe in coincidences.

  3. I never heard that before. So incredible.
    I believe God has a plan for us everyday, the big and the little stuff. So I do believe God had Edwin there for that moment.

  4. A coincidence that became a part of their destiny.

  5. What a story! I believe the Lord is making such miracles. Incredible and wonderful! Amazing!

  6. Wow! Such a fascinating historical happening. I had never heard this story before. Thanks so much for sharing it. Love your research, see you soon again.

  7. WoW!!! an amazing story...we are our own person!!

    1. "...we are our own person!!"

      What does that mean?

    2. it means that we should not be judged by what a family member or relative does. there was much kindness in edwin booth, he was a hero and was not anything like his brother! to comment further, i do think it was just a coincidence!!

  8. We all speak through our experiences dear Sandi and my life until now makes me believe in God and destiny firmly.
    This was incredible and inspirational story, worth sharing!!!
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hugs and blessings to you too, Baili! ๐Ÿ˜Š❤️

  9. I believe it was destiny and meant to happen.

  10. Hi Sandi, I believe in an interconnectedness of all things and the idea of a higher power guiding the course of events. In previous posts, comments, and replies, I think we agreed on that. Didn't we? There are no coincidences. I wonder if Abraham Lincoln’s son said a prayer of gratitude. ๐Ÿ˜Š John

  11. There's a book by a historian called Manhunt, which details the assassination and the chase after Booth and his associates. Edwin's shock at his brother's actions features into it.

  12. That's an amazing thing to have happened.

  13. What a fascinating story Sandi. Thank you for sharing this. When we used to visit family frequently down south, we would often stop at a restaurant that was a little way down where this man’s brother was finally cornered by Union troops and met his demise. You can read about it here:

  14. I don't know that I believe in coincidences but I think this is a wonderful story.

  15. Wow. That is amazing....And it's just like God to do something like that!

    Thanks for coming by my blog, I've been under the weather lately with a nasty cold. : / I'm finally getting better thank the Lord!

  16. Thanks. I have never heard this story before. Edwin Booth was great. Though his heart was terribly damaged, he did not lose courage and consideration.

  17. I never heard this before. God often places us in circumstances where we can do His will ... if we choose.

    God bless.

  18. Hi Sandi, I agree with what Debbie has said. Things like this happen often, Being in the same family does not make all personalities the same, but I also believe that sometimes we are tested by God.

  19. Hello Sandi
    First your french is very good! My son lives close to the Burj Kahlifa and when I visit him I walk everyday around the lake and Burj. I also saw the film.
    Have a nice week

    1. I have to confess. It's Google Translate! :) I took French in high school and college, but I only remember une petite amount. Also, I can say Wednesday.

  20. A moment with a happy ending.
    P.S A building from the XIX is reflected in a puddle.

  21. An amazing story, Sandi, one I did not know! I think of this as a twist of fate. The paradox of human free will vs God's omniscience has always been a conundrum. It's something I don't think I will solve during this lifetime, only after death.
