Saturday, February 11, 2023

Your Story?


What's your story?

How did you get Saved? How did it change your life?

I did not believe this book, not fully, not really, until I met Jesus.

Then I understood.


  1. Sandi having been raised by Christian parents I have always been so blessed to have a growing faith. True salvation though became very evident when I came to realize that without Him I am nothing and with Him I have life and to the full. Hugs!

  2. I have a long and vaied story. But with a great ending of having Jesus!!

  3. I got saved when I was a little girl in Sunday School and grew up knowing Jesus. When I got older I put him on the back burner and was a backslider for a bunch of years but a life situation turned me back to Jesus and He is now number one in my life.

  4. I also grew up in a Christian home and went to church from the time I was born, so I cannot say that I ever did not know about Jesus. But I did not fully know Him personally until I was a teen at our church youth camp, when I gave my heart to Him. Then later, when I was a counselor at the same youth camp, I totally surrendered my life to Him and then God "put me to work" in His kingdom when I met my hubby and we eventually were called into the ministry. It's been an exciting adventure that I would not trade for any other, even though it did have some difficult times...but what life calling does not? Jesus has always been by my side in good times and bad, and He promises to never leave us nor forsake us. His word is true. Amen.

  5. What a fine invitation to tell our stories with Jesus Christ!
    I make it short:
    Since my childhood I'm a Christ-Child. But later came a time, when I lost somehow the contact. And then an artist-friend came to me and had a question: "Please can you help me, I have here an old figure of Jesus with the blooding heart. I want to restore this figure. Do you have some good colors?? Together we carried the figure into my house. And then I understood: Please, restore your faith on Me....

  6. Dziękuję za wizytę na moich stronach. Jak do mnie trafiłaś?
    Postaram się czasem tu zaglądać

    1. Śledzę kilka polskich blogów. Widziałem Twój post na pasku bocznym jednego z nich.

  7. When I was a little girl I had a very special relationship with Jesus and through junior high and beginning of highschool I was very blessed to have sweet teachers who also knew the Lord at my Catholic church. It was a very modern church. I fell away in the later years of highschool, troubles at home etc. I met my husband after highschool at an Italian wedding and one of our first dates was a Bible study. I've followed the Lord Jesus solely since that time and thank God I came back to His loving arms. I've seen some wacked out stuff in various churches but Jesus never changes nor was it He who was wacked out. What would we do without Him? I talk with Him through the day in a personal way and now in my season of life with adult children I can read my Bible daily too. : ) What comfort He brings to our Life.

  8. i don't have some wild story. (have a great week. take care.) i was born and raised in the church. and thank God my parents (and all of our families on both sides) have been believers and i have had their stories to lift me up when i need assurance or whatnot. all good. never have strayed ...i might get a bit frustrated but all good. thankful that each day if i fail ...i can start fresh the next day. i wish non-believers would realize how each it is ...

  9. Sandi: I was saved by my Baptism.


  10. I tried to resist His calling but it was irresistible, so I repented and believed on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. My sanctification journey has had it's ups and downs but the tug is always up! :)

  11. Interesting as I read the comments most had known Jesus since childhood or had at least grown up in a Christian home. It reminds me of what Moses told the Israelites in Deuteronomy 6 for them to diligently teach their children to love the LORD and to talk of Him when they sit, walk, lie down, and rise up. I can not remember a time when I did not know the name of Jesus. But my faith had to grow and be nurtured in truth. He sought me, He bought me
    with His precious blood and I am still growing and nurturing my faith in truth. To Him be all the glory!

    1. Teach them diligently to your children. Amen. I attended a Messianic synagogue for about five years and they always said that verse.

  12. I grew up in church. When I was 15 I saw Billy Graham for the first time. I dedicated my life to Jesus. And the longer I live the more and more I feel saved. It was just not a one time feeling for me. I feel I am still learning.

  13. I was brought up a Christian.

    God bless.

  14. Hi Sandi, when I was a child and would ask my dad a question he would say ' Let's see what the Lord says' and would look into his Bible and always find an answer to my question. It reminds me of the verse 'Train a child in the way it should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.' . Although I went astray in my teens I believe that it was meant to be, as If a person has empathy it will have sympathy, which I do have. God bless.

  15. I grew up Pentecostal, and was saved at the tender age of 5! All my life, this is all I've ever known, to walk with Jesus, and oh what a blessing it has been! I love your question, and that makes me think of the song that Fannie Crosby wrote, "This is My Story", and that truly is my story, and it is my son, praising my Jesus all day long!

    1. That is a wonderful story to hear, Marilyn. Coming to know Jesus young is better. It saves a whole lot of heartache.
